– AI Essay Writer

Key Features:

  • Auto in-text Citations: Jenni consults the latest research and your PDF uploads to cite in various styles, ensuring accuracy and credibility.
  • AI Autocomplete: Beat writer’s block with AI-powered suggestions as you write, speeding up the content creation process.
  • Paraphrase & Rewrite: Effortlessly paraphrase any text in any tone, customized to your preferences, enhancing originality and readability.
  • PDF Upload & Generation: Bring research papers to life with source-based generation, seamlessly integrating external content into your work.
  • Outline Builder: Get section headings ready for fleshing out by entering your prompt, organizing your thoughts and enhancing structure.
  • Multilingual Support: Generate content in multiple languages, catering to diverse audiences and expanding your reach.
  • Research Library: Save and manage research easily for fast citation in documents, streamlining the writing process and ensuring accuracy.

What Sets It Apart: Jenni AI stands out with its comprehensive suite of AI-powered writing tools, offering everything from citation assistance to content generation in multiple languages. Its intuitive interface and robust features make it a preferred choice for writers looking to enhance their productivity and efficiency.